The Potency of Sister Circles: Grow Strong, Radiant, and Heal

Women’s circles, also known as Sister circles, have been around since humans have been settled in communities.

Even before then, women gathered by the fire to share wisdom, care for the community as healers, and support each other.

My journey of communing with women and relearning how it was to be supported, began in both an online community and an in person women’s group.

Being a part of both groups felt for me a kind of "coming home” I’d never had before.

It was different than being a part of a girls after school club and definitely different than going out with my woman friends.

My experience was one of being included without judgement. A friendly smile from someone I was just meeting and a sacred connection my heart secretly yearned for.

t was as if we were rising above the competition and separation the patriarchal society has effectively created in women.

Rifts and the pain of not having these strong, vital, important relationships were being healed the more I showed up.

This is why I trained to be a women’s temple circle facilitator.

In my training I really learned the

These are a safe sanctuary. A supportive, non-judgemental space for women to come together, share, and be witnessed and heard without shame or guilt. 
It’s space in which we can benefit our individual selves, and at the same time, the collective.

When we show up and sit in sacred circle with women, we are met with the mirror of the deep inner wisdom we hold within ourselves. And, we can then be a mirror for someone else.
(What is said by one, is said for all…)

We begin to lift the veil of invisibility to shine a light on our lives, find our voice, our radiance, our strength, calmness, acceptance, balance, flow, learn to navigate from within again, and ultimately piece together all the parts of our gender that have been pushed down to stand gloriously in our messy, f-ed up, brilliant, soulful wholeness again.

I’ve witnessed women in their own healing, and they’ve witnessed mine.

I see how we are reminded of who we truly are, and the women we are meant to be.

The feminine wisdom shared in these Women’s circles used to be passed down through the generations. Great grandmother to Grandmother, to mother, to daughter, and so on.

Elders in the community were known as Wise Women, and they shared not only their personal experience wisdom, but also were medicine women and often guided others on the path divine feminine wisdom; walking them through each stage and the changing energetics of life.

Now, it’s our time to the same for others. 

It’s time to reclaim our wild, feminine nature.
To join with our fellow sisters.
To slow down and be receptive.

To thrive and be vital!


Because - It’s time to reclaim this immense gift 


Because this our birthright as a woman.

If you’d like to join the Inner Circle of the Wise Woman Temple and receive ONLY emails about the monthly Women’s Temple Circle gathering CLICK HERE. (Emails are only sent when there is a gathering.)



Be a Badass Empowered Goddess; Know how to be a Moon Manifestor (part 2)


Be a Badass Empowered Goddess; Know how to be a Moon Manifestor (part 1)