A month long 1:1 program for co-creating with the lunar cycle
to experience more ease and flow within yourself.

The lunar cycle is a portal for transformation.

Do you feel some sort of connection with the moon, but aren't sure why or how to explore it?

For centuries, women revered the moon and knew their innate connection with its magic. They knew that by harmonizing their own energy with the energy of the moon through simple practices - they would amplify their intuition and be guided by natural inner wisdom and cycles. 

Whether we realize it or not, we all are influenced by the moon and her wisdom. When we learn how to flow in harmony with it, each moon cycle becomes a passageway of transformation that we can intentionally move through to reveal a more full expression of ourselves and our lives, each and every month.

“Such a calm and centered way of asking questions”

Lisa has such a calm and centered way of asking questions that get to the heart of the matter, that I see what needs to shift in me and what is changing for me throughout the month. I love the way I can sometimes tell when she’s doing remote energy healing on me too!

- Iwona

“Encouraging, supportive, and opening me up to my full potential”

When I chose to do this program for a month, I didn't know where to begin, what an intention was, or even how to write one out. The steps taken through the moon (cycle) have been encouraging, supportive, and is opening me up to my full potential to do it slow and mindfully.

- Meghan

  • WEEK 1

    The full moon is a catalyst for clarity, especially around what we need to let go of. It's an expansive time when we see our intentions taking form and other things falling away. During the full moon, we focus on clearing the mind, creating space for your intention to come through, letting go of what no longer serves you in relationship with that intention, and revealing aligned actions to help you receive more of what will bring you into a fuller expression of yourself and your life. Distance energy healing offered during the full moon focuses on unraveling ways of being from your light body.

  • WEEK 2

    The waning moon often illuminates limiting beliefs and other aspects of ourselves that either need to be released or integrated. We continue reaping the benefits of what manifested for ourselves, while starting to turn inward for reflection. Distance energy healing offered during the waning moon supports your light body in letting go, becoming clear on your intention, and repatterning to create space for your intention to come to life.

  • WEEK 3

    The new moon is a time for retreat, becoming quiet, and setting intentions. This is the fertile void of planting the seed and giving it space and time to germinate. During the new moon, we focus on what is nourishing you as you integrate your intention and new way of being into your life. We ask, what is creatively coming up for you? What new projects need to be started or visualized? This is when you begin to take physical action in the material world and get energy flowing towards what you are creating. Distance energy healing offered during the new moon focuses on rooting down and activating your intention with divine cosmic energy.

  • WEEK 4

    The waxing moon helps us to gain momentum, understand our "why" behind our desires, and take aligned action. It's when the seed of intention germinates and starts to experience growth. Distance energy healing offered during the waxing moon focuses on raising your vibration and infusing light into your magnetic field, further grounding your intention into your body and life.

Living with the Moon is a month long program that offers you the opportunity to:

  • Discover your innate connection and unique lunar rhythmic cycle

  • Co-create with the lunar cycle to experience more ease and flow

  • Seed your intentions and experience shifts

  • Lean into your own natural rhythms and intuition

  • Receive guidance and herbal support as you remember how to embody the wisdom of the moon

Lisa Gebbia is a soul guide, Vitalist herbalist, energy healer, lover of the moon, and women's circle facilitator. She creates sacred space for her clients to explore themselves, develop deep inner trust, and anchor in a new way of being that brings more ease, joy, (and perhaps even play!) into their lives.

Lisa has been following the moon for personal growth and transformation since she was a teenager - and knows firsthand the amount of clarity, trust, and internal guidance that comes from harmonizing with the lunar cycles.
Her greatest intention is to love, guide, and honor each of her clients' journeys for whatever transformation they seek to bring to themselves in body, mind, or spirit.


  • Four 1:1 Session via Zoom (15 minutes each)

  • Remote energy healing (I show up for you daily, from a distance!)

  • Current astral insights

  • Simple moon rituals

  • Journal prompts

  • Worksheets

  • Essential oil or flower essence recommendations

  • 1 month - $333

  • 3 months - $950


In alignment with the energy of the moon, we always start when is in its New and Waxing Phase! Each full moon has its own magic to infuse into our lives… choose one to start, and come back for as many others as you feel called!

  • December 30, 2024 :: The Quiet Moon

  • January 29, 2025 :: Nurturing Moon

  • February 27, 2025 :: Awakening Moon

  • March 29, 2025 :: Emergent Moon

  • April 27, 2025 :: Muse/Creative Moon

  • May 26, 2025 :: Ripening Moon

  • June 25, 2025 :: Gathering Moon

  • July 24, 2025 :: Abundant Moon

  • August 22, 2025 :: Thriving Moon

  • September 21, 2025 :: Shadow Moon

  • October 21, 2025 :: Mystic Moon

  • November 19, 2025 :: Sacred Moon

  • December 19, 2025 :: Weaver dreamer Moon


Reach out to Lisa to learn more and decide if this program is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Just like the moon literally moves the tides of the ocean, we are made of about 70% water - and the moon literally moves us on a physical, emotional, and energetic level. When we start paying attention to this phenomenon and take actions in alignment with the natural rhythms of the moon, our energy is literally organized and in vibration with that of the moon. Ancient science meets simple practice for the modern person... you'll know it when you experience it.

  • Other than the four 1:1 sessions via Zoom over the 4 weeks, you can spend your time however you'd like. I offer additional resources like journal prompts, simple self-care practices, and worksheets to support your exploration outside of our calls. I like to call it inspired playtime.

  • Definitely. Each month will be a little bit different based on current astrological insights, what's unfolding for you in your life, and your continual deepening connection with the moon. The practices I share in this course are one's I've practiced every month for decades. They never get old, and I continue to learn more and more from them.

  • Reach out to Lisa to learn more and discuss if this program is for you.

    Contact Lisa

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Manifesting with the Moon (Free Guide)
following the cycles of the moon to co-create the life you desire

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