Be a Badass Empowered Goddess; Know how to be a Moon Manifestor (part 1)

You’ve already felt the Badass Empowered Goddess calling…Something in life or within you is churning and you’ve been called to Lady Moon to bring guidance and transformation manifesting to life. To align your life with your higher power.

While the energy of the moon IS magical, transformation and manifestation are a process. It doesn’t happen all at once, or overnight.

Following the energetics of the moon, more than once over time, will provide the structure, to empower us to unfold our lives in ways that effect not only ourselves, but everything around us.

So, let’s talk about the Moon Goddess herself.

The moon is feminine energy, and, being feminine, she has a rhythmic cycle.

She, Lady Moon/La Luna follows a monthly cycle of 28 days, with the moon herself changing signs of the zodiac every two and a half days or so, bringing in different frequencies that support changes in our evolution.

Throughout the month, there are 8 clear moon phases. These phases allow us to dream, pause, reflect, and take actions which empower us to practice making change in our lives.

By following a longer cycle, rather than a daily (24 hour) cycle, we are more relaxed, in tune with OUR own unique energy, and less stressed as we look towards accomplishing something or making a change in our life mentally.

Moving slower allows us to hold the frequency of change within our bodies.
In this way, our bodies nervous systems adapt much easier to the changes and a more aware, slower pace, helps to make them more permanent.

It starts with intention at the New Moon.

The New Moon -
The new moon time is like a cocoon/chrysalis. The place where the imaginal cells of transformation begin!

Mantra: I recognize. I seed.

This is the time of creating the foundation and gathering resources for your vision, 
beginning to initiate and awaken what is being called to shift.

Intention setting ritual: Best done - On the day of the New Moon, find a space where you can be in quiet and/or alone. If you haven’t read about intention setting, here’s a great place to start!

Light a candle and sit quietly, allowing empty presence to arise within you.

Turn your phone on silent and set an alarm for 5 minutes.

Tune in and reflect on what has been bubbling up within the past few days.
Write down your intention and put it somewhere you can see it everyday.

When traveling, our sleep patterns, diets, and nervous systems all get a bit of a shift. These herbs will help with the changes that inevitably occur.

Waxing Moon and First Quarter
The time between the New Moon and the Full Moon.
Use this time as a step out of the cocoon of the new moon into the light. It’s a time of gathering information, inspiration, organization, motivation, and ultimately, empowerment.

Mantra: I focus. I create.

Clarity is really beginning to take shape into some actionable steps. Begin to refine and evaluate HOW your vision is coming together. 
What steps are you going to take? What are you doing about it? What is in your control and what is not?

Sometimes in this phase, something may come up to challenge you commitment and help you to determine if you need to change course and be more gentle with yourself, or keep moving ahead as planned.

The next New Moon is coming up on August 16! Using these simple steps can help you to align, focus, and ground your intention into your body and life.
Remember, it’s a practice, so be gentle and work on the changes you’re willing to make in order for the intention to manifest a different reality than the one you have now.

Part 2 - The Full Moon is coming next month!

If you’d like to receive your FREE copy of Manifesting with the Moon, join the Wise Woman’s Virtual Garden and receive insider information on herbs and self-care to support your journey to Awakening Your Wise Woman Click HERE



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