Effective Herbs and Oils you'll want to use to Create Your Outdoor and Travel Bag
It’s travel time!
The fun and excitement to explore something new, but not always great for our particular patterns that contribute to our overall well-being.
Even just going to visit friends for a weekend, you’ll want to WOW them with your amazing knowledge about using herbs and essential oils, right?
With so many helpful travel herbs, it’s difficult to pick just a few.
These are the ones that seem to embody the highest healing frequencies while being gentle enough to use on every body type no matter the dosha, age, or the medicine they may be taking.
Some can be found in the kitchen, others from independent herbalists, and many even the local grocery store.
St John’s Wort Oil - an oil that has been infused with St. John’s Wort flowers, not the powdered form. This is awesome for treating muscle pain and the regular aches that come with arthritis and old injuries that just ache even though they’re healed.
Calendula oil -Using marigold oil can smooth the irritation and inflammation caused by sunburn. Like with many essential oils, you can blend calendula with other bases like coconut, jojoba, shea nut oil, or even almond oil.
Helichrysium oil - for muscular aches and pains due to over exertion and for nervouis anxiety held in the body.
Cayenne powder or tincture - to stop the bleeding of a cut. Generally used to stop bleeding of minor cuts and superficial wounds… However, it can be used to stop bleeding to get you to an emergency room if you need one.
Ginger root tea or Plum paste! Yes - you saw right, plum paste! - excellent for motion sickness and even nausea. Safe to use in pregnancy or have children eat as well.
Both found in markets that cater to a more diverse community. IN some cases, ginger can be too warming, so the plum paste alleviates the nausea without heating up the body.
Hibiscus Flower, also known as Sorrel in some countries and nationalities.
What can be said about the HIbiscus Flower without waxing poetic?
A tea made from Hibiscus flowers has a mild astringency and tartness that really soothes a sore throat. (Too much shouting over the raucous of a loud event?) and could evn help reduce your chance of a travel headache or migraine! (Thanks to the anthocyanin in it.)
The Hibiscus Flower also has valuable polyphenols in it to help the body with digestion! (we can’t always have the same diets we have when we’re at home when we travel right?
When traveling, our sleep patterns, diets, and nervous systems all get a bit of a shift. These herbs will help with the changes that inevitably occur.