Be a Badass Empowered Goddess; Know how to be a Moon Manifestor (part 2)

So, you’ve already picked an intention and have been working with it in some way. Aligning to the higher power within, that still, small voice inside. Something in life or within you is churning to be shifted, to be transformed on some level.. Already a badass! You got it.

The Full Moon energy is next.

The Full Moon and waning moons are really my favorite parts of the lunar cycle. 
Since I have been working with the moon for over a decade, this time of the month is the most rewarding. (and revealing!)

I feel an emotional connection to letting go of the old, yet also a clarity in life. It’s almost as if a light is shining for me to move forward and enjoy the newness.

I also love to take the extra time to myself and allow my energy to dip inward, shifting the vibration within me tom match that which is shifting in my outside world.

It’s interesting that even though it’s the time to keep moving forward, that the dip inward is into the integration, which brings out my inner luminousness.

It’s this profound integration that feels good. Really feels good. The mental knowing that I am changing my life and energy. The newfound ways of being and doing things. The quiet joy I feel when I notice things beginning to flow.

The reality sinks in that I have a choice.

A choice to surrender control of the exact outcome.

A choice to let go and a choice to claim something in its place.

During the New Moon and waxing Moon phases, we seed, we recognize, we focus, we create.
But the Full Moon is different; we fell, we respond, we integrate, we surrender.

The Full Moon -
This is a high energy time! The full moon brings a strong push to let go. It illuminates what we are called to let go of - stagnant energy, old ways of being that no longer work for us.

This is the time of the month We begin to move with more ease, expression, and even fluidity as we begin to embody what it is we’re shifting. It’s a time of

Mantra: I feel, I respond.

At the full moon, we’re being called reorganize, shift into new routines more deeply. At this time, we also let go; let go of the internal stories that are keeping us from manifesting, and perhaps, also let go of physical things.

Letting Go Water Ritual:
*Take some time alone to write down on a piece of paper what it is you need to let of in order to be more aligned with your intention for manifestation and move forward.

*Find a spot near you with water - a small river, a lake, the ocean.

*Stand at the precipice of the water.

Look at your piece of paper with what you are relinquishing saying; “At this time, I dissolve these old ways of being and state them out loud.

When you are finished speaking them out loud, fold the paper and place it in the water, watching it float as far away as you’re able. 

*Turn away and don’t look back.

This ritual never fails to amaze me. Sometimes I can’t even remember what I let go of! A true sign they’re gone :)

Waning Moon and Last Quarter
The time between the Full Moon and the next New Moon.
Intuition is strong.
Check in , stay committed, begin to slow down and allow feelings, sensations and energies into your light body and physical body.

Begin to receive. Receiving is is opening up to the newness and surrendering to the outcome

Mantra: I dissolve, I integrate, I surrender.

I love to journal in these later phases. It’s at this time of the month I’ve learned much about myself, and the ways my rhythm and inner voice play out in my mind and body.
I’ve even learned that different seasons and signs bring up different challenges.

Journaling Ritual:
Finding some alone time is a part of this.
Light a candle to set up scared space for yourself and answer these questions:

What is clear for you now that this intention is becoming more real?

What wisdom and experience have you reaped?

As the moon cycle comes to an end, another one begins. What has been learned, reaped, dissolved and surrendered allows us another month to shift our inner world even more. Which in turn shifts the outer world around us.

My suggestion for following the Moon, what I call Living with the Moon, is to commit to at least 3 months of following the phases and being clear about intentions, actions, and what needs to shift and change

Remember, it’s a practice, so be gentle and work on the changes you’re willing to make in order for the intention to manifest a different reality than the one you have now.

While the energy of the moon IS magical, transformation and manifestation are a process. It doesn’t happen all at once, or overnight.

Following the energetics of the moon, more than once over time, will provide the structure, to empower us to unfold our lives in ways that effect not only ourselves, but everything around us.

By following the moon and when she’s in different signs, I’ve learned that I don’t accomplish much on some signs, I fight change in one, and in others, it’s all ease and grace! This has been a commitment. A commitment to stay aligned with myself, my higher power, and to take the time to embody the changes happening for me.

Be sure to share your experience in the comments below.
What intentions will you set? What barriers challenge you to shift the circumstances, the ways of being you were? How does connecting with the moon make you feel?

If you’d like to receive your FREE copy of Manifesting with the Moon, join the Wise Woman’s Virtual Garden and receive insider information on herbs and self-care to support your journey to Awakening Your Wise Woman Click HERE



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