The Audacity Of The Wise Woman; Creating Endings In Appreciation Of Beginning
In this deep time of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, our journey of life slows down a bit. Even of we don;t have cold weather and snow, it is still “winter”. This is the time of the Wise Woman; surrender, let go, and above all, PAUSE and INTEGRATE.
It’s a time to be mindful of how we spend our time and energy, and be aware of how WHAT we are doing is affecting our energetics, physical body, and the harmony of our lives.
Wintering is this magical time to replenish our vitality, our vital Chi, to support us throughout the rest of the year; if we choose to do so. Choosing isn’t so simple in Western culture, especially if it requires doing less, or nothing! (gasp, how insidious…)
The Winter season is a time of rest and rejuvenation for everything.
It is the time when the mature and wise woman energetic frequency enters us, coddles us, supports us, to slow down, find some quiet, nurture, nourish, and make choices that support body, mind, spirit individually and into community.
As we humans witness the quiet solitude of Nature in the Wintertime, we have intuitively known for centuries before science, that a lot is happening underneath the ground within the roots that strengthens, supports, and helps it to grow even stronger than the year before.
We need the quiet of winter, “wintering”, as a period of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation for our body and spirit to catch up from the previous year. We need this time to reflect on all that has ended, what we have accomplished and integrated into our lives, and also all we are wanting to birth in the coming cycle.
It’s here, at this magical point, that the Energy of The Wise Woman sits with us, allowing endings to happen, holding us, nurturing us to rest and allow new beginnings to percolate.
The Wise Woman allows for the time of integration to happen;
when we begin to make changes in our lives that become a new habit, new way of being, new connection to spirit…
She doesn’t rush to to start life, or projects, halfheartedly.
She feels the song of her soul and the pace of her true essence coming through fully.
She loves being around “newness”, yet allows for endings and knows deep nourishment comes as we allow ourselves to stop reflect, and “learn” from slowing down and tapping into our roots, our experience of life.
She knows her esteem and voice is not dependent on what lies outside of her, but within.
Winter provides this time of deep connection and grace to shine through if we allow it to.
She is taking the time of Winter to ground into her strong, feminine energy; to find her roots that will be birthed into our lives in our own time in the future.
Although we may find ourselves wanting to start new things, The Wise Woman knows that without completing tasks, reflecting, and letting go of the old, there is no space to create something new.
(think of trees dropping their leaves.)
I know this to be true in my body as I want to push ahead and jump into the new year with lots of ideas and projects.
But the Jumping in doesn’t FEEL right.
We need endings and pauses to reflect, rejuvenate, and lead ourselves forward with awareness and aligned action.
To allow excess energy from the past year, especially the end of the year, be grounded and dissipate.
In it’s slower stillness, opening us up energetically for something new, and, maybe even better.
As much as we wish and believe we can escape these quiet, uncomfortable, seemingly unfruitful times of life, we cannot.
And, we should not.
For where would the gift of moving forward more fully ourselves at this moment in our lives and less encumbered by old ways be?