5 Ways To Activate Your Inner Wise Woman; Reflecting Winter’s Natural Light
It’s still here.
Even with a bit more stirring around us than a week ago, Winter is here. Even though it seems dark and gloomy out; the light, the Mid-Winter reflection of the sun off the ground, shines bright. Focusing on building up energetics, energy, stamina, and emotional well-being to shine bright at this time of year can be challenging. Remembering to nurture ourselves and our vitality through internal sustenance uncomfortably reminds us of the lack of light and nourishment we have at this time of year.
But that lack of light; that’s just outside us. We have our own inner light, that True Essence, that’s always waiting for us to slow down, listen in, be creative, and find ways to bring out our natural light and brilliance; radiating so strong that it mirrors the sun on a brutally cold day.
So, how DO we stay connected, vibrant, healthy and more in our holism when it’s cold and windy, and part of a world that wants us to move fast?
By nurturing through the Wise Woman Ways.
SHE is reflective, gentle, knowledgeable, and delightfully intuitive. She KNOWS how to build our inner strength and navigate the outside world in difficult times; even when we cannot fathom how to.
This year, She has been teaching me that nourishment comes in ALL forms:
Physical movement
and Spirit.
Here are some ways she has been guiding me holistically to feel more fulfilled and whole.
1. Stop multi tasking, do 1 thing at a time.
What a wonder this does for our physical energy; and, I imagine, stress levels as well.
This is a continuing lesson for me that I deeply embodied during a time of deep grief and at the same time, upleveling of my life. I cannot even say how healing it has been to slow down, go at my own rhythms, and breathe into the flow of my body, emotional state of being, and physical nourishment. I actually feel I breathe deeper into life and also physically feel more relaxed.
2. Be more present to the day.
Feeling where we are physically, spatially in the room, any room - and - using our senses; determining what activities and sounds are going on around us throughout the day. This keeps us centered, present, and less apt to be startled by little things that happen.
As a regular practice, I’m noticing things open up and time seems to slow down too. (Who doesn’t want to slow down time???! but fair warning, it will not stop us from aging 😉 🤷♀️ )
3. Connect with our inner Wise Woman daily.
Making it a prayer. Just like a friend who only calls to complain, She doesn’t want to hear from you only when you’re in a bad place! Why not connect just to say “Hi, things are good today. I am warm and comfortable and feel safe. Thanks ”
I’ve been doing this right after the alarm goes off, or when I wake up naturally in the morning. There’s a different kind of satisfaction and nurturing arising from within me throughout my day.
4. Spend 1 hour a week in silence.
This is such a balm for our emotions. It allows us to tune into a more sensory experience of life and stay connected to our Soul Wisdom for guidance, revelations, and support we need. I know, not everyone can do this all at once. There are children and jobs… Can we do 15 minutes 4 times a week? Or 10 minutes everyday? - Maybe at lunch, or while you’re in the car waiting to pick up the kids, or just simply looking out the window?
5. Stay connected with the Food we eat.
How we eat - are we rushing, or stopping, taking the time to chew and digest what’s before us?
What are we eating? Are we choosing foods that support the optimal functioning of our bodies and organs, or are we opting for diets that don’t support the totality of our bodies?
(This is an issue as we get older and our needs change as our hormones change. Many diets do not address this, causing a lack of complex amino acids, vitamins and minerals we need to support organs, the NS, and metabolism, among other things.)
On a personal note, I prefer to get most of my nutrition from the food, herbs, and “weeds” I eat. I’ve learned a lot through my herbalism education, from mentors and nutritionists about foods, what’s needed for our bodies (particularly as women, as this changes as we get older) and this year have been applying it to myself, not just helping other women.
As this winter has slowed me down, I’m remembering that I am a Whole person, not separate parts disconnected from each other. This time has shown me that when we are engaged with all aspects of ourselves, we can heal.
Sometimes it’s a slow process, and other times it’s a baseball bat on the head.
I’ve also discovered how diving into the feminine aspects of life, and creating habits through her nurturing, nourishing aspects have brought me more openness to create, focus, and trust. Trust in my senses, my body’s wisdom, and the Wise Woman’s voice to guide me from the heart and soul.
My intention is that we all find some ways to reconnect, shine brighter, and boost our lives fully and wholly - body, emotions, spirit, and food. To create simple habits that sustain throughout the year, and our lives.
My hope is that you resonate with one of these ways, to guide and nourish your inner landscape to match the outer one that is already taking shape.