Shifting from the Descent of Winter into Spring’s New Rhythm
Spring Is upon us.
But what a deep Winter it has been.
A deep descent metaphorically.
We’ve had time to surrender and be initiated into the Winters dark, fertile depths.
A time, if we allow, that gives us a deep sustainable energy to tap into for the remainder of the year to feel vital, sexy, and rested. (Just like true self care does :) )
Now, the seasons of Earth, and of life, are asking us to begin our ascent into the newness of Spring; to resurface, trusting that life continues with a more melodic, flowing rhythm that will experience a few shifts and changes before the Summer.
But how do we begin to find a new rhythm?
First, let’s try to stop worrying about what the clock or calendar says and begin to tap into our rhythm.
There IS still time to find completion in letting go, and find closure to the cycle of Winter, while beginning to step into the new.
In the Wise Woman tradition, these transitional times represent “threshold moments” where we find closure AND inspiration at the same time.
Like we’re walking through a door into another room, or from work into our cozy homes.
In this threshold space, we want to follow our flow, as the waters of Pisces shows us, to learn to differentiate between what is ready to be weeded out of the garden, and what we are beginning to nurture to plant into flourishing
It’s best to take it slow.
Taking it slow asks us to take small steps the mind and body can relate to and build upon that.
Creating a reservoir of knowledge and energy we can access anytime throughout the rest of the year.
Embodying this way of living is not a quick learn, but one that must be repeated over and over until our bodies and souls “get it”.
Wise Women throughout the ages - the midwives, priestesses, medicine women, healers, herbalists, elders who understood cycles - knew this in their bodies.
It’s time that this feminine way of being and living be reawakened within us in these modern times!
Let’s begin relearning, Remembering how to trust the flow of life in these threshold moments step by step.
*Remembering starts by acknowledging the grace and wisdom of the feminine energy cycle of life.
This transitional time as an emergence from the introverted, nesting, resting, rejuvenating spirit of winter into the upward and outward momentum of life with intention and attention.
*Take time for reflection, Be Willing to sit with what we all know: that before fully re-emerging there is a need to let go, shed the old, “weed our gardens”.
Collecting information; take notes, journal, be with what is arising within is great at this time.
*Do a simple Threshold ritual to symbolize relinquishing the old and stepping into the new season of life: - clean or smudge your actual door (frankincense is a holy oil that you can add to a bowl
and splash at the door, or sweeping the area is cleansing as well.)
- visualize letting go of the old and recognizing the new as you step through the doorway
*Begin to look at how things are coming together.
This is important as we often don’t allow for the magic of what is working for us to be celebrated!
It’s high time we did!
Next steps:
It’s a new season soon, and with that, new rhythms to life as we begin to be less introspective and begin to turn to the outer world more as the weeks go on.
Finding flow in the flux of the ascent is essential to our well being and vitality, as well as to the communities we serve.
If you’re looking for more guidance and support in finding your unique rhythms, connect with me at…. and we can set up a quick call to discover what’s best for you
For more information and more tips on living more in your power, following your rhythms, and trusting your voice inside, subscribe to my email list where we dive a bit deeper every month with herbs and self care to assist your journey :) .