Setting Powerful Intentions The Wise Woman Way: Believable And Achievable

Intentions. Intentional. Intentionality.

These buzz words are all over the place lately.

But, what exactly is it? This “intent” behind it all?
Is it “woo”? Is it goal setting? Hmmm, let’s find out.

The root word, Intent, is defined in the dictionary as: to act with intent; the state of mind in which an act is done; directed with keen attention, to act in a certain way.

I like this. It encompasses both the cosmic aspect, (the state of mind and the feeling behind it), and the action that is required of us to make the intentions a reality. A little bit “woo” and a little bit of something like a goal with heart energy added to it. It has both the feminine and masculine frequencies coming together.

The most profound and surprising intentions come from a place within us; from the still, quiet, deep inner knowing of our Wise Woman voice and center.

They are always SELF-focused. 

Yes, Intentions are about US, (nobody and nothing else around us.)

This allows us to take ownership and responsibility for our life and our decisions.
(The most vulnerable, ultimately terrifying and most fulfilling Empowerment EVER! )😉

As such, intentions are a conscious decision to make a change.

When we make a conscious decision to make a change - which is ALWAYS AN UPGRADE of some sort BTW ♥️ - we are also letting the Cosmos know we’re ready, and we naturally begin to plant the seed of what we want to shift and grow in our life.We begin to align our actions with the intention as the cosmos opens doors. (magic in it’s highest form :) )

So, let’s take a moment to slow down and connect with our inner Wise Woman voice, to create an intention.

From a place of quiet awareness, let’s put a hand on our heart and a hand on our belly, and breathe for a few moments.
Breathe and empty out anything on our minds, anything that may be holding us back from being fully present. 
From being in the stillness. Perhaps even make a deep exhale of letting go on the next out breath. Begin to be aware of what is arising from within.

What is calling to be shifted, that you have some control over.
What would you like to bring into your life right now?

Write down a few things arising that wants to shift or grow in your life FOR YOURSELF.

So, we’ve written down a couple of ideas for this coming moon…
Now what?

How do we craft them into intentions?

  • Pick the one that resonates the most right now. Working on one thing at a time is also the way of the wise woman. Focus and energy creates compassionate alignment towards creation.

  • Ask ourselves if it is believable. If there is any doubt, if it seems too far fetched in this moment of time in our lives, matching its frequency and taking action isn’t going to be easy, achievable, - or even happen. If this is the case, make the intention smaller. Pick a part of “the bigger vision” as the intention.
    This will help to make it more believable and we’ll take action on it instead of feeling wobbly, unsure, and avoiding it as we begin to move forward. (For example - I want to lose 80 pounds becomes, I want to enjoy a walk for 15 minutes everyday.)

  • Write it down. The best way to write an intention, is to keep it simple. Using a monthly moon journal is helpful too!
    I (your name), desire to (insert your intention here), in a healthy, soulful way.

    I’m feeling excited as I take the appropriate steps to bring this (insert your intention) to fruition.

    I’m delighted by the ways the cosmos conspires to assist me on this journey! I’m so grateful. And so it is.

  • Put it somewhere we can see it everyday.
    In the meantime, as we look at our intention everyday, and excitement is bubbling up, ask yourself: ”What am I willing to let go of to make this intention a reality? What do I need to let go of as I step over the threshold into this new way of being? ”

    As we let go, we begin to resonate with the energy and frequency of the intention and utilize the phases of the moon; which bring reflection, pauses and aligned action into us that begins to create this new way of being…


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