Self Care as Devotion; Heart Felt Moments to Make the Everyday Extraordinary
Self care are the things we do that make us feel good; not just in the moment, or for the next week, but for weeks and months to come.
It’s also about more than taking care of ourselves, because it begins to extend outwards to those we see and encounter everyday, as well as the environment we live in and how we choose to show up in the world.
Devotion is about bringing the heart and soul into something we are doing.
As we bring more heart into our self care, we bring in love and caring.
What we do for ourselves becomes an act of devotion, and, even a part of our lifestyle.
But, what about those mundane tasks we do everyday like the laundry, getting gas, picking up socks off the floor, getting groceries? The little times we take care of ourselves and our surroundings that are forgotten amidst our everyday existence?
Our current society makes these all seem like a big inconvenience, a waste of our time.
But, without these daily tasks, we’d not be doing anything that stimulates a deeper connection to life - in both it’s dark and boring moments as well as the light and exciting.
There is a connection to the mystery of life that is missing without self love as we tend to ourselves and all that is around us.
What can we do? How can we infuse self love with devotion and bring it into the bland everyday activities of life as part of self care?
Through Ritual.
Devotion and Ritual can walk hand in hand.
Both spicing up the mundane routines with a sense of connection to something bigger than us, and also a sense of belonging in this fast, often insanely paced world.
Having this more sacred mindset brings more heart energy into our daily activities; helping us to be more devoted to ourselves, the way want to feel, the way we want to be, and the way want to live in this world. Even as we are doing the laundry.
Doing something with devotion and ritual, creates a consciousness, an awareness, for the little things in life.
We allow small moments to tend to ourselves from a place of awareness.
They provide a sense of embodiment on days when we feel less than connected to ourselves as we go indiscriminately throughout the day.
And, they provide unseen support and affection for ourselves when we aren’t thinking about loving ourselves, or life.
In a world where there’s much depression and constant comparison and perfectionism, finding devotion to ourselves, and caring for ourselves, through small rituals may help with the mundane everyday activities we all must do as humans.
So let’s bring some mysticism into our lives again, and infuse some heart energy into even the smallest moments we may not see as self care.
Let’s start small, and love ourselves just a little bit more during those boring and unexciting parts of life… we never know how we can bring balance, harmony, and wholeness to our entire life.
or how this devotion can give us strength and empowerment to stand for what we believe and create change from the heart and soul someday.