Everything Spirals, Honoring the End of the Year
As old as the Earth is, the Yin of Winter calls us to begin the cycle of Birth/ Rebirth yet again.
To begin the spiral of life in its breathtaking wisdom. Like taking our first breath into new life as we step over the threshold into another year.
I know this experience deep in my soul. This deep, feminine, Yin of Winter; being held, bundled up, nestling quietly, and allowing this slow time to nourish something within, because I am a Capricorn baby.
Born in the still, silent, gentle fallowness of the winter at the beginning of the year, I know what it feels like to let go, take it slow, and intentionally allow for nurturing and nourishment to support me before stepping fully into the Spring with heart and soul.
As “adults”, we take this new breath into the year as we let go and reflect on the past year before jumping into the new one.
This is a sacred time to fully honor what has been.
To allow ourselves to bask in the effervescence of the past year. Bask In all accomplishments we’ve had whether they were as spectacular as we’d hoped or not.
To fully complete the cycle of letting go with compassion.
And to be witness to all of it.
If we are perceptive and aware of our connection to the circular energy in nature, we’ve have had glimpses into the ways our bodies and lives follow the seasons.
How we slow down to birth something new in the Winter, watch it grow through the Spring, see it flourish in abundance through Summers lens, and also watch what isn’t needed anymore fall away into the quiet of death once again in the Autumn.
This part of falling away into death is important. Without allowing things to die away, there is no room for tending to the soil within so it supports our seeds of growth and change. Our inner gardens can only hold so much without our consistent weeding and plucking to ensure growth of what inspires us to move forward.
Perhaps this year has brought us “awakenings” to know what we may be needing in the future for ourselves.
Shedding a light on what is needed to do to keep our bodies healthy and strong, to keep our energy clear of murky, unnecessary, intermingling with others, and keep our spirit in a strong place to weather the challenges and victories we will ultimately have throughout the year.
So, we find ourselves in the last part of the cycle once more - an internal place, honoring the endings, the death of something old making way for the new while also celebrating our endeavors, small and big leaps, and everything in between that have happened in the past year.
This time to celebrate is important as well.
To celebrate where we were, and where we are now. To celebrate how far we have each come on our personal journeys.
We look the same, but we are different.
We are different inside.
We have changed.
And, in changing ourselves, we have also changed the world in some way.
So let’s take a moment to pause and let go of the old and celebrate what has been, before plunging into something new.
To reflect as the quiet and luscious nesting time of Winter’s Yin energy begins.
As we spiral out of the old year, I ask you,
“What is calling to be transformed and transmuted into the ethers”…
“What is in need of love and nurturing so we may finally let it go and move on?”