Reishi : You are the Bright Luminous Sunshine of Your Life; (Your Enough IS Enough)

Reishi (Ganoderma spp. - multipileum and tsuga)

With the wind blowing in my hair and a mellow grin on my face, my body and mind feel luminous, relaxed, and comfortable just in being myself.

I am joyful as I sit and listen to the music and chatter around me. Perhaps I’ll contribute to the conversation, perhaps not, it’s not about much anyway…

I notice how soft the breeze feels on my skin and the sensual way it moves my hair in wisps around my face and shoulders. My eyes close and I hear crickets, birds, cicadas, and other sounds of nature in the Tuileries style overly cultivated garden.

Everyone else seems to be running for mosquito repellent.

But not me.

I’ve taken some Reishi extract today.

Reishi is known as the “Mushroom of Immortality” throughout Asia. It’s called this to describe the all-encompassing health support they felt that Reishi could provide them.

Although I am talking in this monograph specifically about Ganoderma multipileum and Ganoderma tsuga, in my opinion, after working with many types of Reishi throughout this past year, I feel the effects are pretty similar.

In ancient China, it was believed that those who consumed Reishi would be bestowed with immortality and spiritual insight. That one could feel lighter and more vibrant. 
I couldn’t agree more with this. I LOVE Reishi.

In general, Reishi is considered safe with no known clinical reactions. However do not use if you have mushroom allergies.

Reishi Antler (Ganoderma multipileum), which I grew this past year, is on the left - pretty wild right? It even has similarities in how it looks to what systems of the body it effects :)
Tsuga Reishi (on the right) is a type I bought from an herbalist at a conference, different looking, but same effects on the body. It grows on the trunks of old Hemlock trees in the US.

Having a slightly sweet and bitter taste - (even a bit acrid) Reishi supports the vital functions of the body and their systems - respiratory, digestive, and circulatory as well as having a relaxing and stabilizing effect on the parasympathetic branch of the CNS.

It can help reduce anxiety and is known to promote rest and relaxation in a healthy way. The bitter taste supports healthy digestion, and Reishi can tonify the digestive system and may even possibly help to balance blood sugar in the body.

The whole mushrooms fruiting body is preferred, and harvested when it has white on the tips (for multipileum variety) or the shiny red/brown fan-like tops are harvested (for Tsuga and Lucidum varieties).

Most of all, Reishi is best known in today’s herbal circles for how it can help support and regulate the immune system without overstimulating it. ( This is an immunomodulating effect, and isn’t harmful to our bodies)

It’s an excellent tonic to nourish the Yin in the body, making it a strong medicine to support our Spirit - helping to“calm the spirit”, reduce fatigue, promote a restful nights sleep, and reduce anxiety and nervousness (making it really nice for AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS)

Its constituents help to both tone and nourish our bodies, improving overall functioning of the major body systems. Circulatory, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and parasympathetic nervous system branch.
Ruled by the Sun’s fire, it is warming and nourishing; an excellent choice to support the Pitta dosha.

It can assist in raising the “lazy” frequency of Kapha, helping it to burn away slow and stagnant energy oil the systems of the body and help to balance this dosha.

But, the heat may aggravate Vata, sending them into a tense burnout too quickly due to its heating quality. It may also dry them out a bit too much as well.

Most often, I recommend Reishi for its adaptogenic and immunomodulating effects when people feel burnt out from overwork, overthinking and over doing Spiritual practices.

I find it best taken as a tincture/extract @ 1-3 drops 2/3x per day

Esoteric Significance/ Fun Tidbits about Artemisia (vulgaris, annua, douglasania, and absinthium )

Ruling Planet: Sun (Sunday)
In all honesty, this was a surprise to me given that “mushrooms” like to grow in darker environments, but now that I know what this magnificent being supports and helps us with, I really understand. It actually feels like sunshine in a bottle for the body!

The Sun governs our vitality. Reishi in particular governs our birth vitality along with self-expression, learning, and shining bright in the world. (not into the world, simply in the world - saying that er are enough, we don’t have to push and strive and burn-out)
As a sun being - it is related to the heat in the body and our solar plexus

Ruling elements:
Fire transforms through heat, turning whatever remains into compost, giving support and sublime nourishment to new growth. (Think Hawai’i here, and how new growth sprouts from only few month old lava flows).
When our sun (fire) is deficient, it’s as if the fire has dimmed, and the water and earth are settling in to have us, and our bodies, slow down and stagnate.

When our sun is in balance, our chi/prana/mana is strong, bodily functions work well, homeostasis is regulated, and our sleep is good. We feel warm hearted and warm within.

Ruling Principle: (What it is here to teach us.)
Esoterically, Reishi governs our vitality, our self-expression as it relates to shining bright in the world. What do we need to do for ourselves to feel lighter, brighter, and more whole from within?

Reishi asks us to take a pause, reflect on how we may be dimming our own spirit and slowing ourselves down to fit into the world, instead of knowing we are enough, just as we are. 

When we feel more harmonized and secure in life, and the body is working smarter, a more warm hearted and warming from within occurs. 

That Sun energy of Reishi really truly does feel like the relaxing medicine of sunshine in a bottle.

As an ally for me, Reishi has shown me the ways on which I disperse my energy and the ways I give it away, helping me to understand that I am enough in this world. Enough in being and creating just as I am, while still honoring the ways in which I have compromised my wholeness and well-being.
It has shown me that if something doesn;t light me up, it’s not right for me.
Enough, is Enough.



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